![MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - MechCon 2018 Demo Gameplay [HD 1080P]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/lXOKzPfWHDE/maxresdefault.jpg)
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#GamersPrey #MechWarrior5Mercenaries #MechCon2018
- RequiemReforged: you dont expect the team to LOSE the demo do you? the only enemies who "fought back" were the first ones. and that barely. it was designed that way to show off how awesome the game is and how you can interact with it nothing else. the AI was designed to walk in patterns and only fire under special circumstances. i can guarantee it.
- Luke Jackson: And that's how mafia works
- Ryan Stadel: +Manuel Lorenzo Oh, my bad. I was just giving someone I didn't recognize the benefit of the doubt. Although on the LRMs thing, I noticed that, but I figured he was testing the minimum range. Still, you really can't judge someone's aim based on how well they do with a joystick. If you could, we'd have to call console peasants gamers, and that's just blasphemy.
- DarkBazerker: Being that the testing group last I heard is mostly if not all comp players now, you see more nerfs to the average player thats finds something that works.
- Chrinik: +Ryan Cage Coop is actually one of the features me and my Battletech mates are most looking forward to...you can stuff your personal grudges for all I am concerned, it's a good thing it has coop...especially considering it doesn't take much to develop coop rather than hamfisted pvp multiplayer. Also keep in mind that most of the "ground to cover" was release for mercs4 for YEARS...most of the mechs released post launch in mech packs<.< And I don't mind the 3020ies as a setting, if anything, post clan invasion just gets fucking cluttered, even if the fan favorite Mad Cat only appeared briefly prior to the clans<.<
- Dan: Looks like a 6/7 pilot.
- WishingPole: +Kevin spacey especially since a big Chuck of this game is sold based on immersion
- inteli722: +Bogdan Toma Ok, how about this: what do RPG elements add to a MechWarrior game that didn't exist in previous games? Good game elements add something to the game so they're genuinely better than they were before. You could argue that RPG elements benefit FPS games because they add a sense of progression that would orherwise be lacking, or ways to change how you play the game. MechWarrior already has both of those. You progress by getting new and better 'Mechs, and the progression is clearly noticeable because you hit harder and take more hits. 'Mechs also adjust how you play the game, with different loadouts, and force you to optimize your build depending on your playstyle. So, in a sense, the 'Mech progression system previous games had is equivalent to soft RPG elements and serve the exact same purpose, so we don't need 'Mech or pilot XP levels.
- Bakamoichigei: Ugh, the voiceacting is killing me. I'd honestly rather have some CereCloud text-to-speech voices... Gameplay looks like a step in the right direction though, with the co-op and everything... Hope the AI is decent, that'll make all the difference. And, btw? Next time you're trying to save something, maybe don't blow up or smash half of it yourselves? See below for more commentary from someone who's been a mechwarrior for thirty years, and was a Solaris gladiator twenty years before it was added to MWO. Just because you're in a Thunderbolt does NOT mean you are an invincible juggernaut that can YOLO-Jenkins its way around the field, soaking up fire. (And that "Look how damaged I am, I must be doing all the work" sentiment, even in jest, is asinine and bad for unit cohesion and morale.) For the love of god, STOP exposing your rear arc to the enemy! (Especially stuff like showing your back to a Marauder, so you can _mostly miss_ a Spider.) Pick a target! (And maybe keep your priorities straight?) If you're going to concentrate your fire, stick with it! At several points it looked like you kept changing your mind on what part of the 'mech you were firing at. Leg 'em, disarm 'em, or core 'em, but pick one! Don't get their CT or primary weapon arm/torso down to structure and then go "Maybe I'll take out the legs..."
- UnionDirector: As an OG MechWarrior fan and someone who never played and never was interested in playing MWO I have to say this game looks like everything I ever wanted.
- Tobias Klebus: if you played like that in MWO youd be dead in seconds..
- Gold Lick: looks bad and lazy, that buildings have no impact. having so many joints and moving parts in a mech going though a building should be last resort and have at least a speed penalty, and then a speed/movement nerf some time after.
- Fare -: I really, Really wish the handling isn't this console dumb with the release or it's the refund magic word to solve all problems. And you'd better work on that AI. MW4 was better, and the game is how many years old?
- Кирилл Мак: Graphics looks good, but AI is very stupid
- Shon M: I feel like buildings are too easily destroyed, they don't even slow you down really as you walk through them. I would like to see them a bit more robust than that.
- bodybag22: They should add a mechanic based on collateral damage where depending on how much infrastructure you save, you get additional resources at the end of the mission. This could include protecting key assets like the repair bay.
- Ryan Cage: +Chrinik "especially considering it doesn't take much to develop coop rather than hamfisted pvp multiplayer." I'm glad you are happy with trading content for co-op. Id have preferred neither, and to assume the costs involved with respect to time or funds to develop either misses the point: For me, its a waste of resources. I played mw4 mercs on launch, and I was referring to the game in that state. Mektek did a lot for the game, but they aren't what made it a good experience. The core game was well designed, and nothing mektek added altered the campaign outside of additional [and overpowered] variants to use. Lets not talk about clutter when you have jihad and dark ages. And personally, i'd have been interested more in going into either of those periods as opposed to going back to 3rd succession wars. I'd rather play at the beach than be stuck in a kids sandbox. Regardless, maybe i'll be wrong and the game will be content rich, fun, lengthy, with co-op t boot, But I'm not holding my breath, Only hoping.
- Alexis Boom: I'm a big fan of the new laser style, it's more correct that it wouldn't be visible as a constant brightness beam I'd love for in the future if it was based off volumetric smoke and dust I like that the missiles agent perfect hits and can't track perfectly But I'd love for them to travel at a more realistic speed (faster) I love the destructive capacity of the buildings, something that had to be skipped in MWO that was sorely missing from the MW series But there needs to be some more "junk" in the open spaces, people make footpaths put up fences and leave trash around where they live Overall, I'm pretty stoked for this and this demo video has me the most stoked so far
- southnyourmind: Whoever is the pilot, sucks. I'm sure he'd do better with a mouse and a keyboard, vs HOTA'S.. but whatever floats his boat. Although it looks awesome, and probably adds to the realism (if it can apply to a sci fi game), it doesn't seem rational or logical for this game. I'd also like to see the enemy AI not turn their backs on an attacking mech. Makes no sense.
- Acrobatic Kebab: Those mountains look funny.
- Bakamoichigei: Prime example of 'Command Jackassery' there; "Do as I say, not as I do." 😂 (Also, "Look how much damage I'm taking, I must be doing all the work!")
- Lunar: People throwing a b*tch fit because the graphics, while I'm over here geeking out at a new MW game. Gawd some people just can't be happy, entitled little pricks.
- Bekah Smith: Holy crap that dude sucks.. and please tell me his self important boasting was simply sarcasm. Did they pick some random grandpa off the street and give him a crash course in how to play and then set him loose for a demo? smh. I want to be excited for this game but that guy totally ruined it for me.
- JP MR WIGGLES: +Vieyon the AI was dumb down i assume russ tied ai smartness with dificultie setting. rather than having easy mean the enemy deal less damage to you its just stupider and cant aim as well.
- Chrinik: An arcade pod set up during a convention is not the guys personal private rig, what? Noooo...
- Captain Wolfsburg: I think field repairs are fine, but it should take longer than a second, though. I agree with the buildings. It's like they're made out of paper. Even a small building should be able to take some damage before crumbling. Not only is it unrealistic, but it makes those smaller buildings useless for cover.
- Stadium ARTs: This needs eye tracker support.
- 2LTDarcius: please stop melee ranging with mrl... if this follows old style you are screwing up accuracy do to close range... should have stayed med to long range to make use of mrls and lasers
- Timmy McTimface: My cabbages!
- Orapac 4142: Jesus christ did you not watch the video?
- Matthiau Steelez: The bad guys can't burn the farm if we burn it first!
- Rodrigo Lillo: LRM mechanics look terrible. Also slow af. 2000's MW4 did it way better in that regard
- VV I T C H A V E N: I used to love Mechwarrior 2 and 3 for how the worlds and environment has been presented. When playing these games player could have felt as he was ALONE. Alone against upcoming enemies, situated on an empty vast terrains, deserts, hills, abandoned cities, some power plants, satelite dishes. Quite post apocalyptic feeling. You don't get this now. HAWKEN was close to that but ... there wasnt any campaign at all.. :-(
- danshyu: Yeah... I'll stick with mouse and keyboard.
- hells onion: Looks like "smooth and by the numbers" means "full throttle and damn the torpedoes."
- AlexWynters: I tried to give it a fair shot, but the structures seem to be there just for show, no actual mass. There is no "Feeling" of moving around an actual environment, just tissue paper "Buildings". Plowing through a building is fine, but there should be some resistance which would make the mech slow down, and take some superficial damage. Couple that with the pathetic game play that was shown. He was move of a danger to his team and the people he was supposed to be "Saving" then he was to the enemies on the field. And when he said that "Ok guys, I'm taking a beating. I'm going to need you to get in there and actually do some fighting." I'd have beat him unconscious.
- Pixelation: This seems to control really well with joystick which is awesome, even if mouse+keyboard is more "efficient" it just seems great fun to use my flight sim set for a mech sim too. If I'm able to set rudder pedeals to leg twist and joystick to torso twist it will be perfect.
- Skull Fucker: What a mess
- Vieyon: Enemy AI looks like dog shit, they better fix that or hopefully modders can fix it
- Charles MacTaggart: Walking through buildings makes city fighting that much easier.
- Bogdan Toma: inteli722 you lost the esential. Playing in a specific way grants bonuses and improvement, just like in real life...if you shoot the same god damn weapon hundreds of times your accuracy with that wepon will increase. Using the same twctics over and over, you will refine quircks and even discover new methods. For example in mwo the doubletapping for ac. Or ghost heat for lasers. Such knowledge would not be available and be gained for comsecutive use, thus allowing for increased efficiency while using that gun type. Less jamming of racs and uacs, no more ghost heat and allowing for a certain number of lasers to be fired with reduced heat...etc... meleeing, joint lockon for lrms...many many perks that are within real concepts of sny human being experienced at using something. Heck, having a custom weapons and armor whop where you could invent new weapons, jury rigged several damaged ac5 to create a style of sawed off shotgun effect while in close quarters for a devastating one time blow. Dang, so many things that would make a mechwarrior game mind blowing and a reference for future gaming, and here i am debating the advantages with someone that lives 3 decades in the past and wants a pea shooter. 🤦♂️
- laguzmage: Showing your back armor to a Marauder to chase after a Spider just shows that this is truly a successor game to MWO
- James Wylie: to bad PGI made this game and it is not cannon. calling it mechwarrior 5 is an insult
- Rasmus Johansson: Guys, the graphics are fine, and we can’t expect MechWarrior to be the whole ”hyuuuuuuugh mekwarrior has always been at forefront of graphics eggs dee”, the graphics look fine and unique even if they aren’t anything revolutionary, and they honestly have the same feel to them as the original Mechwarrior 5, if any of you saw that trailer. That’s way more difficult nowadays that it was back then, and remember, the game is still in development. I really shouldn’t have to explain this part. But Mechwarrior wasn’t only all about being at the forefront of graphics, it was also about the *gameplay* and all the fun you could have with the games. Sure, some of you might’ve gone full on competitive in MWO, but you can’t forget that in MWO you can have damn fun with whatever batshit builds you come up with, like in the older games but to a greater extent, such as me running a dumb 100 MRM Stalker. But honestly, I’m not gonna complain much about the gameplay. There’s nothing incredible to add onto the mechs themselves since the mechs in Battletech have been focused on realism, and MW5 is just following the tradition. This can easily be enhanced with some damn good animations and sound design, which is what I hope they’ll make, and if MW5 is after MW4, we’re gonna get the Clan mechs, and all the old Clan weapons with it, nobviously. But we could get some of the old weapons from Mechwarrior 4 that never made it into MWO, and other lore weapons! Atleast I hope we’ll get them... Also, anyone notice how Cyrus’ voice actor is the same as the IS commander in MWO?
- JookySeaCpt: Looks like trying to play with a joystick is still a bad idea.
- Kenshin Himura: Only 1080p? this shit is so blurry.....
- Nathan Leasure: And what I think was a Myrmidon, something that could have nailed him with 3-4 ppc hits. Thunderbolt's weakness is poor rear armor, not something to do this in.
- Francis Bongiovanni: This looks like a major downgrade from like mw4 mercs in terms of gameplay, graphics, voice over.... everything. Good thing this is a demo.
- JustJake: It has many elements from the former games; nice. And some design features from mech commander (the arm movements) . The AI needs improving tho, they look quite confused, especially the mechs. The Hud is uninspiring but it works, hopefully we can change it if not... well mods will be an option. Other than that, Im buying the game.
- Me3cenarie: LargeLaser sound @9:10 sounds like a fart! Really PGI, is this a joke to you? Mechs cutting through buildings like nothing, enemies shooting left and right without any sense of weapon advantage or teamwork, UI DOWNGRADE from 2016 trailer makes me really really sad. You have one of the most loyal fanbase, so please take these suggestions from us and make us proud to be battletech fans once again. We don't need another MWO game in single-player. IMMERSION, make it feel more like a battlemech sim for the love of atlas.
- Comp Wiz2007: Just love to watch the stick and peddle nonsense.. It was cool decades ago, but a guy with mouse and keyboard will wipe the floor with your face. MechWarrior Online forums use to have posts with (old school) peddle and stick guys. In game however killing them was like taking candy from a handicapped baby..
- WishingPole: i really like the style
- Sandor Dugalin: "They're going to destroy that farm!" *proceeds to step all over the farm in a giant robot to 'save it'*
- Matthew Liota: so are they just that bad or are they trying to make the ai not look terrible
- Chrinik: Scrub XD
- MrJOlle007: That controller is awesome :O i really want it :D
- Jon-John Pinckney: 16:18
- GaldirEonai: ...Dammit, they seem to be committing to their single-shot not-auto-at-all autocannons.
- Pyrrha Nikos: It's not that hard to get, actually.
- Twilight Sparkle: >Joystick support FUCKING YES!!!!!!!
- Rasmus Johansson: +Vieyon Well shit, then RIP dreams of getting the Clan hypergauss. And I hope that they do improve the AI, which there still is room for.
- Holret: +Vieyon doesnt matter, he sucks at what he directs. game looks trash.
- Joshua Peters: I thought this was from 2009 :\.
- Vieyon: well when you are Russ Bullock the president of PGI, you kinda get your way no matter how big of a potato you may be
- Yantzee 001: Vehicles need to be more buff. Like in MWLL.
- Bogdan Toma: Good question, but your answer is off by a margin. The progression you talk about, as in going up in exploring the missions and finding better mechs is nothing of rpg elements. Is like wolfenstein 3d finding a better machinegun and encountering tougher enemies. So nothing there. But on the other hand, the first moment, that exact first moment, when you started modifying a mecnh's loadout. That is the first moment you are doing the role playing. Where you, the particular human playing that game, take on the role and "what would i do better" feeling pops into your mind. Because it suits you or your personality better. Or you can roleplay as a specific warrior that does only some things, like a laser vomit fanatic on a catapult. Because that is the role you are playing. This is what RPG is about. It is a psychological desire of humans to get recognition for their effort. And how do you get that? By customizing the object to your specific and getting better results because of "your touch" So, any particular RPG connected element enhances that. The system of skills in MWO, personally i don't like it, to be reset all the time, but i fully support it's idea for that exact game. Why? Because it allow for infinite customization without the need to grind all the low levels and become master for some things. For example, some player like playing lasers and not missiles. This would mean increased proficiency with thoase weapons, getting to know how to use them allow for better generating less heat by a few %%%, or higher overheating threshold (because you know your mech)...etc. The Skyrim system is the best. Play in a specific way and your character gets better at that thing. And for a single player that is amazing, as you can build your experience for that exact thing. Even with a limited campagin. Lets take Mechwarrior 3 (older titles are simply junk in terms of, well everyting starting with how bad they look for their time) Imagine taking Mw3 from scratch but with rpg elements for the pilot as described above. You get to play that mission with flavor. Now you can have an amazing oplaythrought where the character is doing only AC and some SRM. He can't take on the heat from the lasers. Afraid or something, so his overheating threshold is low. But his AC get top notch if you play only AC. Aiming without a reticule zoom has increased chances to rip off a limb, Also increased rate of fire thanks to a pilot specialized in ACs. After you finish it, you can restart it and doing a completely different pilot evolution. Having different starting stats and specialization, you can have a brawler with missile and laser combos. A madman that goes headon into close quarters with high speed and agility of mech and rotation. A third playthourgh you can specialize in sniping with ER L laser vomit, to stay out of trouble. Etc. Each type creating a new experience and a new flavor of the same old game, where instead of getting the highest tonnage mech and heaviest weapons, you can enjoy light mech squirling and demolishing assaults with backstabs. Your team mates will also enjoy some buffs from you, if you decide you are the leader. Or you can play not as a leader, to select another team mate to be the chief and you be support and receive buffs from him.
- KageRyuuUji: Or maybe he has more than tissue paper for rear armor which is the norm in MWO.
- KiwiFighter: This hurt to watch as much of it as I did. I really want to know if the AI gets more computing power than an abacus, and please for the love of god and all that is holy fire that pilot!
- T Dawg: Came to the comments to see critique of the demo pilot, was not disappointed. ❤
- Ryan Cage: +Chrinik The feature of co-op is Zero sum, to anybody who doesn't have any interest in engaging in it, Ergo ANY and all the time they spent working on those features of any other form of content, is worth nothing to the person in question. You're just beating a dead horse over how my opinion must be wrong because YOU enjoy co-op, A nd its mere false equivalence to call it content that matches additional game elements such as maps, mechs, missions and the like. Therefore, Time spent designing a feature I wont use, is wasted time (to me) taking away from what it could have been spent on. Any debate on "just how much time was spent doing X or Y" is irrelevant to my point. You're allowed the like the features, and I'm allowed to dislike them, and think its a waste. But lets not pretend that I'm wrong when I say it took and takes time and resources away from the dev process. Maybe it only took an inconsequential amount of effort to design co-op. That still doesn't make my previous assertion false.
- Craig Kenney: What is it with mech games having AMAZING mech fidelity and always having last gen environments.
- The Hobbyist Den: Makes me wonder once this is out the door for sale will MW:O be getting a much needed engine upgrade to UE4 from the locked version of Cryengine 3.4 it currently is in.
- wisconsinfirenerd: Heh. "Quick, defend that farm or the bad guys will burn it to the ground!" *Farm fields are set ablaze by laser and missile fire thirty seconds later*
- Anton Tikhomirov: Well, since late 90s we're lacking of good mech games like mechwarrior 2&3 or heavy gear 2 current game feels like breath of fresh air. So, I'm in but would like to see improvements in current gameplay. 1. There is no feel you're driving a 100+ ton war-robot - it's too smooth, runs through buildings like through paper etc. 2. Remembering classic mechwarrior universe there should be close combat weapons like axes etc. 3. Add more life to cities - traffic for example. 4. No tactics right now
- Varan Zmaj: Ugh, those controls look and play terrible. This is gonna be so much better with keyboard and mouse :)
- Joshua Peters: Ok. The graphics just don't look good. The weapons look serviceable and that's it. The mechs go out with a whimper. There should be huge explosions. That's a fusion engine going critical. The mechs really do not relay a sense of weight. This includes running into and through massive building like they are made of paper. The mechs take no damage from running into tons of cement? WTH. In a game like this, graphics ARE part of the gameplay. Also, we didn't need to see you playing. I have no idea what the radar read out is and what info you get on your targets.
- Koniving: Side note: I think there should be more of a delay between the warning of a dropship on approach and it magically appearing 270 meters in front of you. These things travel, and your support should detect it much sooner than that. It would add a higher degree of pressure and difficulty, knowing that it's coming in X amount of time, do you pull out now or wait to engage them? Are you still engaged with an enemy force, did you resolve fight before they arrive? Can you? Or will you be fighting insurmountable odds due to not being able to clear the current enemy force before the reinforcements arrive?
- TempoTrack: How hard is it to learn how to play your own game lmao. If you cant showcase the game well because you're mechanically inept, hire a gamer that plays your damn games to showcase it.
- Voicfulcornet5: One question i want to know is can mechs go critical?
- Mike Siver: I didn't hear a lot of communication or see much focused fire from this "team".
- Abi Nubli: Now i know why we never have mech. It done much damage than what it saves
- Matthew Prasse: +Orapac 4142 Is this true, do you have a link I would love to be inspired.
- Gr1nd0r: AI is always very dumb on MW games, it was even dumber than this on MW4 but you have to understand some people could barely survive a 1v1 on MWO against another player and Highly smart AI with the same mech stats as you would annihilate you instantly, not to mention missions will require you to destroy at least 2 lances of enemy mechs so you imagine a 4v12 on MWO yeah you won't want that
- make1up726: joystick is the worst way to play and it actually looks like the movements aren't synced up. Did they record the demo beforehand and then just pretend through, or was this not a live demo?
- Andrew Miranda: Hahahah
- Tyler Hand: jesus, painful to watch him pilot that mech....
- Starfleet HQ Noob-TubeR: Is this compatible with VR???
- Chrinik: Pilot is the president of the company who makes the game. He is showcasing the "Battlepod", an arcade style cabinet you sit inside. AI had been put on easy because it was, quote: "Kicking peoples asses"...
- Vieyon: Some people are saying the difficulty setting was at the lowest for this video. God I hope this to be true. Also heres hoping modders can fix it if not PGI.
- raider 0319: Lol
- CaveBobSpongeMan: +Vieyon i actually think the game looks pretty good and no one can be expected to do well with a joystick lol also president of the company doesnt mean he actually plays the game
- MunroM84: Using the joystick makes the game look clunky. I think i'll stick to M+KB and rape everything with pin point precision.
- Griffin Burns: A locust for all intents and purposes kicked a full heavy lances asses. Good god.
- Bendit1974: +Eara Soulous No doubt. Having played all the previous games (1990s and early 2000s) with a mouse, watching this was sad; like watching a whale trying to knit.
- Rylan Guthrie: I am actually not that impressed. I can't decide if it is the potato pilots or the game itself. Showing me a destructible environment and pretty graphics is great and all, but I want story and gameplay. Saving farmers isn't much of a story, and driving face first into everything you want to kill is not piloting. They have torso twisting implemented right? I barely saw it used by the pilot.
- Роман Бавыкин: Когда робот натыкается на препятствие, выглядит не естественно
- Dreaded Ownage: When did they start changing the mechs names? I could have sworn the banshe was named an atlas at one point or atleast it looked close to it
- H Koizumi: this brings me back to childhood with MechWarrior 2 on dos
- Vieyon: If a mechwarrior game will ever have melee in it, it will not come from PGI
- Gavin Cross: +Stephen Surridge ahhh, thanks. Might have been better showing that then the player... Cheers
- Griffin Burns: Who decided on that mech set up. What the fuck is it suppose to do?
- mrblack888: I had some minor input in the beginning of MWO talking with one of their Devs, it was obvious from the outset that not one of them had the slightest idea what they were doing. Problems that had been identified and SOLVED years ago in previous releases were being remade, none of them had any knowledge of the franchise or the game. Extremely disappointing.
- Kenshin Himura: This is hard to watch. The guy playing is fucking TERRIBLE.
- RequiemReforged: I have a feeling that before this the people demonstrating were told: walk through as many buildings as possible to show the destructible environment. and when they put in a real AI to fight against it will be much better.
- Chrinik: +Zapnl Eh, no, modern fighter jets are all about least pilot workload possible, tanks as well, and they still require complex controls and interfaces to move and use the damn things. I still gotta remember the button to switch my radar into vertical scan mode if I want to lock a badguy in close combat, doesn't matter that the radar and the computer do all the complex stuff for me XD And mouse is a horrible way to control a military anything. That thing will just go flying everywhere when you most need it. But I', pretty certain it would have JHMCS functionality, look at target, designate target, calculate solution, pull trigger. But the overall control of the mech would still be HOTAS and pedals, because that's just been proven, idiot proof way to control anything. DCS is free, I challange you to get the SU-25T off the ground with mouse and keyboard and do well in multiplayer. You will be amazed how much shittier mouse and keyboard controls can be if the entire system is not meant for it...which modern military jets are not.
- zMeul: please stop playing it with a joystick also, I don't get this: gets asked to help a city, destroys every building in that city, gets to be their hero and savior ..... wtf!
- Ryan Z Nock: I feel like it needs the Team American theme song. "Coming again to save the m-f-ing day yeah!"
- Log Dog: I preferred the LRMs launched in volleys of 5, looks way cooler!
- Koniving: Know what I find interesting? I've been mentioning how the first and second succession wars had a complete disregard for civilians, including scenes of mech pilots that gone off the deep end to stomp on children pouring out of schools and farms because it was fun. And here we are, at a farm, with children, and mechs attacking it for very little reason. Seemingly because it might be fun. Also I've noticed mechs seem to be scaled closer to canon, far more so than ever done in MWO.
- Cosmic Drew: time to stop this destruction the only way we can WITH MORE DESTRUCTION!!!!!!!!
- El_Gringo Picante: I want the peripheral. Also, shouldn't LRM's be fired in succession as opposed to unison? That way they don't collide with each other when they converge on a single target.
- Kenshin Himura: +KageRyuuUji I could solo ALL of them with my Maddog from MWO easily.
- RequiemReforged: i mean you couldnt have the demo team... LOSE now can you? the only ones who were actualy fighting and firing back were the first group. watch the "final boss" he targets the superpod Alpha char many times.. then walks into a building and doesnt fire for minutes at a time. they were showing off the engine and how the game works NOT what you will be dealing with. and to that extent the idiot saying "since i was doing all the work" and stuff really was just annoying. it was so obviously made so they couldnt lose just to show off it just made him sound like a asshole more than someone acting like that usually does
- Matthew MacIsaac: What controller is that?
- Sandijs Bartušs: Sound is sooo baad jeez... hurts my ears
- Gary Green: Make it non-multiplayer and I'll buy it today.
- Pedro Portela: Is it possible that they will ACTUALLY deliver on their promisses that they failed to deliver 7 years ago? I wonder...
- Wes ODon: lol. You believe that there are AI settings? You don't know PGI very well +Vieyon
- biffrapper: Killing buildings should penalize your payment.
- Steele Gaming: Dude was a dick to his team and was trash the whole time. The only nice thing he said the whole time was good job team but it was followed up with a smartass statement about how he took att the damage. Dude if you were any good you wouldn't have taken all that damage. DICK
- crack61616: sometimes i couldnt watch.holy shit.
- John Lanham: Either that isn’t that guys normal battlestation, or he just can’t shoot for SHIT........
- A K: any options to remove the waypoint from showing up on the "outside." I like to read the minimap and compass. I find that following the waypoint kinda gameplay takes away from the game.
- Lewis Morgan: OMG this looks amazing!
- Kaede Yutani: +GamersPrey Yup, desks are expensive as f*ck!
- Classy African: But will we finally have melee though?
- Kirk Sandstrom: Anyone know what kind of joystick they're using? I know everyone is hating on joysticks but I still feel like it would be fun.
- Yousir Cantknow: *Tanks and Hovercrafts are the REAL deal*
- vultur109: What is the sim rig that he is using. The joystick and all that. If someone knows. THX
- EnterpriseKnight: aaand I want that setup
- Chrinik: Field repair was in MW4 tho...
- Chrinik: *Sees video showing 4 player coop* "Will this have 4 player coop?" What the hell do you think lol XD
- CaveBobSpongeMan: it will
- wisconsinfirenerd: *Good guys walk through grain silo* *Smoking hulks of destroyed mechs expose their reactors to the farm, irradiating everything*
- 1uba1: worst pilot ever
- Chrinik: +Ryan Cage It isn't zero sum until you can confirm it was. Developers are a specialized bunch, hiring a 3d and texture artist to design mechs and maps are two different people than a net-coder to make coop work with 4 people and low lag. The net-coder has no idea how to make fuckin maps and mechs so he wouldn't be able to help out anyway. And no, they have people that already do that, because MWO requires it. So they didn't even have to hire someone which they could have arguably hired another grafical designer instead off. Software development is parallelized, you don't "lose time" because they had an extra guy or two working on networking. So unless you have proof that other content suffered, you are wrong. I'm sorry, you do not know how software development works. Stop thinking you do. Not everyone in a development studio can do anything, having people sit around doing nothing because their skills are not required is a WASTE OF MONEY...If they want more content, it's as simple as them hiring more people that make content, because a number of people can only work as fast, does not affect the guys who make networking work and vice versa. And just because it's a feature you don't like does not mean you can erase it from the featurelist simply because you won't use it, that's fine for you, but it's your opinion and you can't blame the god damn devs for your opinion...the option is there to ignore the feature, it's optional bonus gameplay features for us normal people with friends XD That's the same as complaining about difficulty modes and that "time was wasted on anything but ultra-hardcore, since that's the mode I will play on always."... There are many great games that I won't play because I don't like them, does not mean I have to moan to the devs not making the games I want. "Sad to see so much development time went into Dark Souls" Yes, you can hate on the feature all you want. I was complaining about your attitude. But I can criticize your opinion since it's publically stated and open to access by me. Deal with it.
- Common Opinion: "we saved Paris!"
- Marcus Hicks: Its the Team America approach to saving stuff 😉
- Chrinik: +Ryan Cage Coop is content for me, it's a feature. And incredibly important feature, as it's something me and my buddies always wanted out of a mechwarrior game. Be our own lance. True teamwork. This isn't a zero sum game, you know, you are argueing a fallacy. You do not know how much content there will be, and if that amount would change if other decisions where made. The game is almost a year away still, and the coop seems to already work...which is what I mean by "it doesn't take much." "Plonk 4 people into the same singleplayer missions" doesn't really sound like something that takes content away from singleplayer. "Make sure it has pvp multiplayer, with maps and modes and stuff" THAT is what usually detracts from SP content. Hell, maybe all that could change if they didn't go with coop is that the game comes out sooner, you do not know how much content there will be at this point. All this dismissal so far away from launch is just weird. Constructive criticism is fine, but argueing about something which we both have NO IDEA ABOUT (it's not like showing one or two missions of any game shows the full breath of it). MW4 Mercs also came two years after MW4 Vengeance... "And personally, i'd have been interested more in going into either of those periods as opposed to going back to 3rd succession wars. I'd rather play at the beach than be stuck in a kids sandbox." And naturally, that is the developers fault for not reading your mind<.< No matter what period they chose to set it in, you know there will be people who hate it... I mean shit, one of my buddies, a long time Battletech nerd, sais that he hopes there ISN'T much customization in it, because in most of the mechwarrior games, that customization broke lore<.< But I know that tinkering with your mech is one of the core features people expect out of a Battletech game...and how many people would hate it if it didn't exist, or only existed in a lore friendly capacity. I like the 3rd and 4th succession wars as a setting, it's how I got intoduced to BT, so I have nostalgia for it... The series of games is so convoluted there are lot's of opinions out there on how it should be done, they have no chance of pleasing everyone. And you do not know if they plan to release updates later that add campaigns in different time periods<.< We don't know any of this...
- Robert Pennycook: "This place beautiful" *SMASHES EVERYTHING*
- Yoshi Izumi: im imagining this game is going to take high amounts of CPU and RAM to run correctly with all the damage effects and different hit boxes on each mech. What are the minimum requirements to run this
- Simon Willis: Can you get a 3rd person view I wanna see my mech I’m piloting
- MosesBad: +Gabriel Moore If that's the case this pilot will be running against walls all the time and shoot even less
- Game Addict: Are those the new IS Airsoft machine guns? Kinda sounds like they are :p
- Cj Cavell: This guy sucks at mechwarrior. He was Probz a Fortnite player.
- Bogdan Toma: Hud design is poor Mechs size ratio to vehicle, extremely poor. Mission parameters -intelligence of a slug. Enemies are duining a good harvest, like attacking civilians in crazy mode...and defenders come in and burn the whole field to the ground... Thanks but no thanks for "the help" Needs a lot of character development behind the scene. The actionshooter is already in the form of MWO. This mechwarior next title needs to be focused on rog style of play, character skills, progress tree, economics and lance management, in depth with banking, loaning, random events. A pure single eplayer experience with infinite replaybility, not a drooling simpleminded tipical "kill everything". Use passive sensors for below radar precision strikes, ambush enemies with mechs shut down, etc...
- Captain Wolfsburg: Are the buildings they're walking through made of rice paper? Tons of concrete and steel doesn't even slow a battlemech down?
- Pyrrha Nikos: Top right corner. You just can't see it due to the facecam.
- Jacob Mars: Oh I do not like the hud at all, it needs to be like when they first showed it, that first trailer.
- LeCharles07: And a joystick, and a throttle, and pedals, and a headset... for the full mech warriors experience. :P
- Chrinik: +GaldirEonai Regular ACs in the lore can be anything from single shot cannons to multi-barrel, rapid fire cannons...the designation "AC20" just makes it fall into a class...always depends on the company that makes the AC in question. I mean shit, LB-X ACs specifically can chose between solid shot or scatter shot ammunition<.< And let's not forget that ALL the games did ACs differently...or missiles...or lasers... So there are lot's of camps for each individual style that prefer it over the other, no matter how they do it, they will find someone complaining.
- Eara Soulous: +Bendit1974 lol. Some shots look better in the game compared to others. Seems like its still unfinished which is why it's not until what 2019 they said like midway through the year. Seems like the main story and so forth are completed. They're going through finishing it up by now. I hope
- Rippthrough: Having played with the guys when they were first balancing....they haven't gotten any better. They took MWO from being decent to completely ruining it with his 'balancing' - all because he couldn't grasp the simple mechanics of their own damned game.
- lizadonrex: Why there is no animation climb in and turn on the mech?
- Bill Rich: Jesus Christ. They did more damage to the farm then the attackers did.
- FMNikoyo: I feel like they're trying to make Mech Citizen
- Fleetwood Rev: meh
- David L: This look shit. Just like MWO was
- RIPZatren: Holy crap! Way to much building smashing and run thru's, Mechd wouldn't run over or thru buildings like that, my goodness it needs to be toned down a lot. Other than that not much to complain about other than Russ sucks.
- redoutlander: are there any melee attacks?
- Nathan Dugie: teribad pilot...
- Fish Face: coming to PC?
- Elque tefaka: I honestly hope they release a single player mechwarrior. Online fucks all games. Hey lets play a game where you cant shoose the difficult, you dont even know wich way the wind blows and go against some anphetamin nanosecond-reaction fuckers! it will be fun! Bullshit.
- MrXanthios: Why they fuck the voice on comms has that obnoxious reverb? Couldn't it be just a normal voice on radio?
- MarkusPl4y: How about they do that kinda shit in Elite Dangerous
- Keven McCuller: Rem8nds me of the Avengers saving the day and destroying the city in the process.
- envy nemo: I see better looking games on both Sony an Microsoft consoles. To bad PGI sucks an is unable to make consoles ports. Oh bow both support mouse an keyboard along with hotas
- 4e616d65: This looks more like an updated Mechassault than MechWarrior. Look to MWLL to see how vehicles should be handled, and for a good scale too.
- Rodney Pearson: I see a marader . . . thank goodness maraders are in it. now just need my mad cats and I will be set
- Ray Paul: Then you never Played MW4 Merc it was 3rd person or 1st person
- Matthew Gruba: Am I the only one who initially read SuperPod, as SuperPoo?
- Manuel Lorenzo: +Ryan Stadel Okey, I'll have to give it to you in that last one, that was very good.
- ▂▃Zaggnut▃▂: Burning crops and destroyed hospitals. GG guys.
- Reman Scimitar: Most of the damage was at the port before the enemy even did much damage themselves lol
- Captain Sugar: i cummed
- Johan Prinsloo: This looks like it might be able to entertain us :)
- Agustin Juarez: Enemy AI ?
- Enrico Dandolo: Doesn't seem very challenging
- GamersPrey: Well depending on the specs...you would be surprised at the price.
- Ray Paul: another useless game with first person mode. Make it with 3rd person and it could be good
- Сергей Покрышкин: Бляяяять я тоже хочу.
- Kevin spacey: And this my friends is why joy sticks suck... his aim was horrible LOL.. mouse FYI.. SORRY. THE GAME LOOKS REALLY FUN I CANT WAIT. I like how they added the field repair buildings like the older mechwarrior games had
- Nathan Leasure: You were taking a beating because you had the worst target preference ever and shot with your eyes closed. That locust should not have had that much time to shoot at you and the King Crab should have been your primary target at close range.
- Lordwall: I’m not a fan of how mech just walk right through buildings like they aren’t even there. Even a 100 ton mech ain’t shit to a 40000 ton building. Also not a fan of the 10 second field repair. Repairs take days or weeks not seconds. Wish this was not in the game. I do like the Hotas support though.
- RequiemReforged: insert the trusty "hurr durr unless its multiplayer pvp its not a good game" post.
- MosesBad: How to recognize a bad pilot Overheats facing an assault mech Uses LRMs in close range and MGs on long Picks bad target priorities. Stomps about every building in his vincinity Do I need to go on?
- Inf: I want everyone to focus on that Firestarter [immediately loses focus to chase a tank]
- The 3rd Runner: Maybe they'll manage to catch up with Living Legends this time.
- Vieyon: that moment when you find out the person playing in this video is Russ Bullock, president of PGI.
- martramT: Building destructions have surprisingly not evolved much in around 10 years, it seems like a missed opportunity to use physics and debris that actually collide not just triggers... It feels a bit low budget
- Holret: +Foksuh yeah sounds bout right, except that you need to look at real world examples of tanks going through buildings. generally those buildings dont stand a chance despite their size and weight. Same with fighter jets who crash into buildings (some weight as much as 37 tons, fully loaded). substantial damage is done to them. And we are talking mechs. Compressed armor colliding into a single point of impact, do the math.
- Washing Machine: and here i was hoping this game wouldnt be shit. oh well.
- Bane BlackGuard: the spazzy movement is driving me crazy. if it's that hard to point the reticle at the target with a joystick, dump it and use a mouse.
- CMDRFandragon: so is this game going to have 4p coop? its literally a pass if not lol...
- Thrash: Watching Russ play this game explains the balance decisions that were meant to nerf good players from dominating bad players. (Not that they worked)
- GUnit2214: My biggest problem so far is the UI. It's the same damn UI from MWO. The objectives tab takes way too much screen space when it pops up and it's way too distracting. I would have loved some kind of variant of the UI from the first gameplay trailer. That looked fresh and i hope modders can do something about it if Piranha won't. Besides the UI, the overall game looks pretty good, graphics are ok, don't know why people are bashing it. Gameplay seems decent, but they could add some resistance and slight damage taken when bashing through buildings or stomping vehicles. I'm sure they will tweak the AI more. Co-op mode is concerning me at this point. I found out that the people who join you won't get any kind of rewards. This needs to be fixed and at least give them a percentage of credits from every mission, so they can transfer it into their main save after they log off from your session. Music is somewhat reminiscent of the old Mechwarrior games, but it's missing some Timothy Seals magic. The voice acting could have been better. I hope they add more kick and omph to the weapons, don't know if it was the way they recorded the video but the weapons sounded weak. Looking forward to see more.
- Vladimir Shapovalov: Did this man ever played any MW? Does he playing games? Is it some random guy from street without understanding where to move and how to fire?
- 18voltmofo: Joystick=Horrible
- Pedro Rodriguez: wow, never seen anyone use a Stick and not have the Y axis be reversed.
- TheRobotsWillEatYou: why do they always get the most useless players to showcase the combat? his reflexes were that of a diabetic slug, they ended up destroying more objective buildings than the opfor and took way too fucking long to bring that locust down lmao
- Chrinik: I disagree, it may be the least accurate way of playing, but it will definately be the most immersive. I got a full flight setup, I'll definately use it.
- Kjetil Balstad: Buildings need mass, the mech walked through them like they were made of paper. And I don't get much impression of this being a tactical game that make use of roles and classes, just another everyone walk into the enemy, run circles and somebody dies.
- Wyatt Arthur: They should use real people in the speech thumbnails like Mech Commander or not have them all takes you out of the immersion having these random digital art pictures
- RNG_ Lord: Haha Russ is pretty bad.
- LeCharles07: +Orapac 4142 (remembers Mech Warriors 4: Vengeance Intro) Somehow I don't think it would be boring.
- Akai Maho Miru: Well not only that but this is MW, they've had the same assests for 2 decades in the boardgame so dont read too much into that till the actual game comes out...this is a D E M O
- Robert Hill: Missiles could look and feel a little more visceral. The seem kind of... toy-like? Hopefully there is an option to get a tone for target lock and destruction. The voice feedback seems out of place for BattleTech. Too tech rich for the the whole genre.
- Aleksandr Kramarenko: Tanks struggle going through buildings that are made out of hard materials, like concrete and steel beams. Plus, tanks are small (relative to a mech) and only need to create a small hole, which is much easier to do than creating a gigantic hole that a mech must create.
- Evil Ash: ooh baby
- Wouter d.B.: I doubt leveling the farm and half of the city will get you lotsa 'Hearts and Minds' right... Moronic game.
- Kenshin Himura: Why are half the sound effects missing? he crashes into buildings and trees, you don't even hear anything when he does it....
- Chrinik: +CMDRFandragon Then your question was pointless, as nobody can predict the future...not even the developers acourding do you. So we just have to wait and see...
- Zachary Willard: Think they did more damage to the small city more than anything lol
- YearOfTheDog82: +KageRyuuUji nah, he shot the right arm off the Maurauder, then turned and started shooting at the enemy Spider, which was already engaged by two teammates. Sure enough, the enemy Marauder puts some PPC shots into him. WTF move.
- erik GUEVARA: at 9 min is that a heavy vtol??
- Bigbacon: whuy is that locust so damn slow??
- Kellen Cowing: "I want this done smooth and by the numbers." *Uses LRMs from 100m away* *Turns back to enemy mechs* *accuracy of a potato*
- flashbackflip: Idk why but this looks boring ((( I am sad saying so...
- Eara Soulous: Looks like the easiest difficulty which is what they usually do for showcases which kinda bugs me.
- ludeman: Who else thinks this looks too much like MW Online?
- Otäck Kulandunglar: The buildings appear to have no 'weight' to them. Or to put it in Battletech terms, no Construction Factor. You don't appear to slow down at all when you impact them and have no fear of a trip and fall or taking any damage. Is it even possible for a lighter mech to use a building as a perch?
- ▂▃Zaggnut▃▂: To be fair he was using a joystick
- damonos: looks good, more like MW4 Mercenaries than MWo (which I find very positive, I hate MWo) but where is the damage report for the opponent?
- Bogan Force: Meh..
- DocDelray: Looking good so far
- JP MR WIGGLES: mw5 will have keyboard/mouse and hotas support. dunno about controller support modders can ad in on that the problem with controller is they just dont have enouph buttons on them to do some games mechwarrior is one of those games.
- BigDuke6ixx: Native VR support?
- Dominico Mucci: I imagine the people down there will want to thank you. Yeah thanks you clowns... You walked through our food stores. Set fire to the fields and marched through half of our high rises.... Thanks team mech warrior!
- Eara Soulous: +YaketyTak considering the speed size and tonnage of the mechs I don't think concrete to the type of metals used are going to do much at all to the mechs. Scratch the paint maybe some dents. I doubt it do much of any real damage.
- David [WeaponMasterX]: Would have looked better if you had better players to showcase this guys aim is horrible
- Biggins McSauce: Dude...Move the joystick to your left hand, put a mouse in your right, and ditch the throttle control (use the joystick for throttle fwd/bckwd, and z-rot for torso twist and your accuracy will thank you!
- Logan Hogg: That would look alot better if the player actually played properly. Didnt even more the torso once. Not happy to see the snappy turning is in the game.
- Captain Wolfsburg: It's a lot of the same assets built into a new game with a new engine.
- the deadtroll: oops nevermind, i didn't even see homeboy up in the corner.
- Kajetan: its kinda trash that you always play mercenaries - people who kill and get killed for money - but somehow always happen to fight for the good guys. I wanna play real mercenaries and make the decision for myself if I burn or protect the farm. Or not play as mercenary at all.
- Avathar Behemoth: the AI of the enemies must be set to "complete retard level". i cant explain this vid otherwise.
- LeCharles07: "Coming again to save the mother fuckin' day, yeah!"
- Orapac 4142: Except the AI got dumbed down because it was very aggressive and kicking peoples ass.
- YearOfTheDog82: agreed. In a skirmish like that, some collateral damage is to be expected, but if I lived there, I would withhold damages from the payment.
- Zyfe: Why is this guy incapable of torso twisting?
- Infarct Insult: Бои постоянно в клинче, почему не держат дистанцию? Потому, что против ботов? Мужик управляет с трудом, на таком джое еще и с инверсией.
- Pee Jay: this was so hard to watch, whoever is piloting is terrible, what a horrible dislpay of what this game actually plays like
- a Goat: What in the absolute fuck was that hot mess? The AI looks worse than tier 5.
- leXie: I like the modeled cockpit, and the enemy variety that discourages boating. It's a little disappointing that smashing through a building doesn't slow down a 'mech at all (especially considering the physics involved).
- Nameless Gentleman: Getting a real kick out of how the LRMs occasionally fail to track their targets because they started moving sideways. Also, I like how torso twist was bound to the rotation axis on the joystick. Guess Piranha skimped out on pedals when making the super pods.
- AnDy Robinson: Has a State of the mech with toso! Doesn't use toso!
- GaldirEonai: Going in to save a civilian farm...proceeding to burn half of it down with missed LRMs and lasers...seems legit :P.
- kennendo: This pilot turned his back to a hostile mech at close range to keep chasing a hovercraft. Someone's lucky... :)
- Chrinik: Mechwarrior Mercs was never a pvp multiplayer game?
- LeCharles07: I really hope the game has support for motion seats and udp telemetry so someone can make a full motion simulator cockpit like they did for 3 (I think it was, may have been later).
- Glowhyena The PC Gamer Yeen: Oh, yeah... Unlocking them gives you an advantage of aiming the arm faster than the torso. Also, they can aim higher, especially shooting flying things down.
- Stuart Gray: Those pods ... Fucking joysticks. Horrible. Also the pilot. Has the guy playing never played a MW game before? I understand the really shitty aim. Joysticks suck for accuracy, but his decisions were shit at best.
- Conan C: Lot of Pyrrhic victories in this game....
- Kjetil Balstad: +Holret Tanks do not go through buildings like that, and they take lots of damage if they try. Unless the buildings are made of paper like these.
- Carl Hicks Jr: Seriously, why does anyone in the BT universe bother with building structures in the open? Some mech-monkey is just gonna stomp them flat... Were it me, every building on my world would be an underground bunker or Cheyenne Mountain....
- Foksuh: +Holret I'm fairly sure the buildings have more mass than the mechs do, and they're immovable objects too. You might break a wall and break some bits here and there but walking through buildings like they're made of paper just looks silly, no slowing down, no damage.. just goofy.
- K0rNb4LL: Now I gotta find a way to get enough money to buy a computer. Also a desk.
- Kenshin Himura: I've literally never seen someone so bad at aiming in a video game. Is this guy mentally handicapped?
- andycap Benedictus: 1999 wants there game back and wonders how you made it worse. seems like a poor copy of mercs but with , crap ai. Thank god for battle tech, who gets the licence after these guys fail...oh wait will this game have loot boxes ?.
- Kevin spacey: +Slashco Maus tank weighs over 100 tons, and while its big.. it isnt as big as a mech... But then armor in this universe could be different.. remember 100mm of armor on a assault mech.. Thats as much armor as a little 30 ton tank has. So obviously its some kind of composite.. Kinda like todays armor, vs just a heavy steel plate like in WW2
- Holret: destroying those who should be protecting should be a mission fail.
- Роман Бавыкин: Сделайте что нибудь с разрушением сданий, выглядит плохо
- Vieyon: there is a video explaining how this game is set before the clan invasion(maybe clanners in dlc?). the ONLY thing i didnt like in this video is the awful AI. This AI better not be apart of the final product and if it is, modders save us
- Ryan Cage: it looks nice and that's just about it. Pretty disappointing to see that any development time went into co-op.44 I'm going to be heading into this game fully expecting it to have less content and gameplay elements than MechWarrior 4 mercs.
- Victor Scherman: I love that mechwarrior always has like 1980s high rise buildings in the year 3000
- bodybag22: +Joshua Dykgraaf Yeah, FO76 is a fail launch for the ages. I can wait another 9ish months, I just hope it's worth it.
- Bogdan Toma: inteli722 i did not miss, just ignored . As i said, games have evolved, and a simplistic experience of point and shoot like wolfenstein 3d was a thing in the 90s but not in a modern gaming world, where gamers have acquired better taste. It is like cavemen were first eating fresh meat from the prey and then after experiencing cooked meals, lost the taste for raw bloody meat. Indeed, there are still people today that enjoy sinking their teeth into a bloody piece of meat. You can always enjoy a nice game of mechwarrior 3 or 4 if you likethe old times. I sure as hell enjoyed mech commander 1 and 2 until battletech appeared. The old games, have drawbacks, but still have something nice to them.
- Joel Doxtator: Amazing! This is turning out to be the most detailed mechwarrior experience since mechwarrior mercenaries. Got huge mechwarrior 2 vibes and that is a great thing!
- Dark Mortuus: Looks great, but if I have to pay money IRL to pilot expansion mechs like in MWO for 5 years only to get a dead game at the end, i'll pass. I guess i'll see Sept 2019....
- Filthy Peasant: Arms locked and he doesn't even use torso twist smh.
- Robert Ferentz: Hit crops with fire, fire disappears, crops unburned. Stomp on crops with machines weighing in the tons, crops unharmed. Does Monsanto know about this shit?
- Kevin spacey: They need to work on the sounds for the mech walking.. in mechwarrior 4 it had a deep thundering sound to show how heavy they were.. in this it sounds like shit
- paanjang16: This mercenary outfit must be very well off to hire diana away from agent 47
- ComputersHowtos: Thanks for the video. To my opinion, it's too much action. Too many enemies, who are very weak. Banshee doing almost zero damage. So we kinda see the target group of this game. Which makes me quite sad. We can expect a lot of action, lot of kabooms and explosions, but we destroy 10 Assault mechs with our Ciccada. Plus some tanks and helicpoters.
- unrealraven: It’s shouldn’t be a twitch shooter but a simulator of being in a big walking tank. Try to think how fast would small light 25 ton robot respond? Would it be realistic to have instant response or a little delay? Hell even a semi truck has a slight delay from hitting the brakes to any decrease in speed, and brakes are a simple mechanical system unlike a mech.
- Dave Organ: (Heroic tone:) My Good Man, your farm is saved! (Farmer:) "MAH FARM IS A SMOKIN' 'OLE, YER BARSTUD!!!!!" Epilogue: A T-bolt pilot runs like Hell from a farmer with a shotgun. ;-)
- bodybag22: A year away after they delayed it for a year... i think they understand people would be upset if 'this' was released.
- Shadeling: The ai needs work so many times he turned his back to them. The Marauder in the last fight hardly shot maybe worried about heat. While building destruction is cool i think they were destroyed far too easily for the size of the buildings. When the light tank scorpion ran through the building like nothing kind of broke immersion. Overall still relatively excited for the game and hope we see improvements as it gets closer to release.
- Vieyon: +Wes ODon ??? DId I say "there are AI settings", no. I said "people are saying the difficulty setting" and I "hope" that is true, that doesn't mean I believe it.
- YaketyTak: buildings are wayyyyy to squishy. I get its a big bad mech but it was like a hot knife in butter
- Beef Stroganoff: Monsanto. So big that they own the crops on video games.
- Zapnl: +Chrinik Yeah, I think if they ever actually made mechs.. They'd just have a mouse, click target, autoaim. War isn't about fun, it's about efficiency.
- Jeff: why aren't the graphics much better than MW4?
- bodybag22: +Chrinik Mobile field base was in MW3.
- Autumn Bekker: I mean... it IS made by the same development team. So...
- GaldirEonai: +Orapac 4142 1.) There IS an AC on the Marauder and you can see it fire (slowly) in the final fight. 2.) In almost all previous computer games, in the novels, the tabletop books etc. regular ACs have always been rapid-fire weapons, explicitly stated to fire bursts of shells. rACs just do it a lot faster, but the typical depiction of any AC is a 3- to 5-round burst (or a lot more in the case of AC20s which are sometimes depicted as having insane fire rates to represent their damage potential).
- Kevin spacey: +Saintheart Knights agree to disagree, a joystick is just like those little ones on a controller for a console... Its so hard to be really accurate with either... a mouse has more feel.. but thats just me
- Olivier Pelletier: And that is why Mechwarriors will never be a thing. "Hey, instead of taking cover behind that building, ima just gonna run through it, thus making billions of dollars of damage to save 3 people and a farm" ..
- Derek Brandell: I NEED this in my life.
- El Bandito: *Sees molten armor from laser fire dripping to the floor* SOLD!
- Никита Овчинников: Do you remember Steiner's light recon unit made of twelve Atlases?))) There were a video somwhere on youtube! In the honest opinion of my friends it's some random guy who maybe first time saw and operate such kind of controls which were on the stend. And a playstyle is like he came from fifth tier of MWO, or never played Mechwarrior before.
- 5m0k3r MWO: i wanna play it^^
- Dave Organ: Watching a little more here, and I'm SERIOUSLY going "Hmmmm....." OK, look: The T-Bolt's 65 Tons. It AIN'T made of bloody neutronium! 08:00 Unless those buildings are made from balsa wood and tin-foil, it is NOT walking through them so damn easy! I dunno - I'm waiting for it and will be first in line when it comes, but it would be nice if they could even come CLOSE to MW3 - IMO the best of the series by a HUGE margin. (Side note: has the guy playing this ever heard of torso twist?!)
- Alpha Echo: Kinda disappointing you cant punch a commando in the cockpit, but looks decent enough.
- CMDRFandragon: @zachary stauffer lol I watched the vid, but ive come to take these demo vids as simply a demo, in no way indicative of what live will be. Ive been hyped about games only to be sorely let down at launch. Look no further than BTech, Marauders in demo vid, HG bullshit keeping those mechs out of launch. Im not even gunna get hyped over the Marauder in this vid, I wanna drive MADs n WHMs but will HG go full fucktard again? wait n see....
- 2LTDarcius: mrl means medium range launcher aka rockets and missiles fired at medium range effectiveness. pretty understandable :/ hes not using LRM its just MRM which is a basically a MRL hope that makes sense. why i used the term. as there are actually i think 3 ranged rocket types in the actual game or was it 4 i cant remember and im too lazy to find an old TT rule book or search up the old game specs right now. main thing is, he shouldnt be firing medium ranged weapons at pointblank.. its not effective :/
- CppEngi: Lol if only you could get the best mech warriors when demo presentations occur. Just have the devs give them a script to follow as the dev comments out what is occurring.
- Kjetil Balstad: !Play on the floor, buy extra RAM.
- ni da: The plot narration ruins the pivot mech warrior online read back!
- Stephen Surridge: Target damage indicator is there...it's just behind the video capture of the guy in the pod up in the top right corner. You can just make it out at a couple of points if you look close.
- awesomefatBruceLee: Its "mechwarrior" not "cakewalkor", its hard to pilot a 50 ft tall walking nuke reactor.
- YaketyTak: i swear this guy has never played any MW game
- RpgBlaster: Spoiler : The final boss is not possible to beat since its about clover from cloverfield expect if this is a mod
- # 27: he has his stick inverted woah, how is he controlling that thing.
- Jon G: I don't think those buildings would crumple like cardboard like that.... the mechs are massive, but not THAT massive.
- Peach Papaya: i reed when he exposed his back to the firestarter for a tank.
- Blake T.: Guys, you're doing it all wrong! The criticism you are giving is constructive. Where's all the salt and rage?! :D
- Captain Wolfsburg: Even when I used to play MW4 with HOTAS, I had the joystick twist set to steering, not torso.
- Chrinik: Because there are throttle settings between "Stop" and "Full Tilt"?
- Jonathan Hu: graphics are so much better than mwo. Also u can break through buildings
- Richy Kid: Supposed to save farm, instead.... destroys farm
- madcat789: For God's sake man, unlock the arms!
- the deadtroll: is this real gameplay footage or more CGI bullshit like the last 8 gameplay videos?
- Lance Trusty: I will stay with MWO unless they quit supporting it. Not impressed and never liked campaign on any game.
- Chrinik: No PVP I hope, so not an issue. In a singleplayer game, I can ride however I want.
- SilentWolff: Dont spend your money on this game. The devs are deceptive beta male cunts and need to lose the license to a real developer who can pick it up and do the MW title justice.
- vortyx: I played MW4 in 3rd person, if it doesnt have that, not interested.
- Dejan Todorovic: What I do not like is why we do not have display with enemy that we locked?! Its logical part of HUD and it helps us understanding damage that enemy have. Also feeling is more like shooter then a simulator, need to feel more like tank on legs. Sound was not the best sound I heard. Graphic is awesome but that is not something I will put in front but gameplay and feeling. Graphic just gives me headache because I think about optimization and FPS and how it will work etc, its easier for me to believe that it will not run smoothly and that I will need to lover my graphic settings to have better experience etc...
- hermes aquila: Go play some arcade... Mechwarrior is not a 3rd person game. Never was
- Captain Wolfsburg: If their original statements are anything to go by, the HUD layout should be specific to each mech.
- Kjetil Balstad: Arms? Need to learn how to torso twist first...
- JP MR WIGGLES: the display for locked enemys is in the top right hand side.... where russ has his cam at :P
- Vash TS: Where they told to do specific things before recording started? Otherwise maybe they should have filmed someone who actually knows how to play an MW game. He's taking a beating because he's running into every fight like some sort of terminator. AI seems a bit lousy as well. Maybe that's why they went with human lancemates, otherwise we'll see a lot of circling.
- Vieyon: +Holret I agree with you. My comment was to point out how even worse off it is, not to back Russ up.
- NPC Dude: for everyone complaining.. the game is still 1 year away.. ffs give them time to polish up and sort out mechanics a bit more.
- Stephen Surridge: +Gavin Cross totally agree. Personally I like the HUD, but then I am used to the MWO layout. Obviously I know that it's going to be running on some seriously good hardware in this vid but it looks really crisp and tidy.
- inteli722: +Bogdan Toma All that stuff about roleplaying a specific character with strengths and weaknesses? You don't need RPG elements to do that. If you want to run exclusively ACs and SRMs, or an ERLL boat, there's nothing in the game that prevents you from doing that. As for stuff like an increased chance of blowing off limbs with an AC shot, why not have a spot on the 'Mech that just does that when it's hit? If you're better at the video game, and a better pilot, you can hit that more frequently without needing a special skill that arbitrarily tells you that you can do that. I don't have an issue with RPG elements in more abstract games. Even in tabletop Battletech, I could see gunnery modifiers for certain weapon types working (it'd probably be sort of unbalanced, though). However, the MechWarrior series is the least abstract series in the franchise, and the mechanics should reflect that with as little abstraction as possible. You're not roleplaying a pilot in the sense that you're telling your pilot what to do and the pilot can do some things better than others, you *are* the pilot, and *you* can do some things better than others. MechWarrior is inherently a simulator-esque game, and the outcome of anything should depend as much as possible on how good the player is. Layers of abstraction get in the way of that. RNG shouldn't tell me whether I hit a shot, I should be directly responsible for how many shots I hit. A text box shouldn't tell me whether or not I can hit a certain location, I should just be able to aim there and if I'm good enough I'll hit it. What you're suggesting is like if Battlefield, Call of Duty, or whatever had a skill tree and one option said "you can now hit headshots easier", as opposed to you just gitting gud and hitting more headshots. The first option has a layer of abstraction between the player shooting and the headshot occuring, the latter doesn't. That heat susceptibility thing is dumb by the way. It has absolutely no basis in canon or the board game and doesn't belong in MechWarrior.
- WishingPole: a bit upset that your feet dont leave marks in the field
- t Khrist: I was kind of thinking that too..
- troy nordyke: The original mercenaries was a favorite, I hope this one is even better.
- Avathar Behemoth: you play a goddamned MERC. you dont give a crap about people. and for the right price you would massacre them. thats the point o being a merc... duuuh. oh and if you try and be "old school" playing with a joystick... then make sure you can play with a joystick. you fucking suck at playing the game. also target prioritisation is completely wrong. the whole setup of the game seems poor. mission narrative is bad. i cant say how it plays. because the player is so poor. but it seems like it plays very sluggish, and more like mechwarrior 4 vengeance. Mechwarrior 4 didnt play sluggish though.
- Tiberius Cerelius Tigris: "Since I did all the damage...." Im sorry fucking WHAT? Potato Aim Joe is a bit too far up his own ass I think.
- Mehmet Can ÜNEY: I'm glad that the enemy firestarter couldn't destroy the farm. Good job :) lol
- Captain Wolfsburg: WTF is a mrl?
- Joshua Dykgraaf: +bodybag22 Agreed. I'm happy to wait for a good game rather than have a rushed to release trash one now, unlike the current example with Bethesda. This is a huge step up from the gameplay vid we saw a year ago.
- Albert Baaren: This is NEATT :|!!!!
- Rodrigo Lillo: Are buildings made from paper mache? I'm even finding MWO more realistic here
- RequiemReforged: you dont expect the team to LOSE the demo do you? the only enemies who "fought back" were the first ones. and that barely. it was designed that way to show off how awesome the game is and how you can interact with it nothing else. the AI was designed to walk in patterns and only fire under special circumstances. i can guarantee it.
- Shade Kerensky: That shit enemy AI though. Also, the music needs improvement as does the weapons sound effects and the UI needs to go back to what we saw in the last trailers before now. I'm getting a bad feeling about this game, please PGI don't fuck up Mechwarrior 5.
- ScopeDog: Characters on the comm acting like massive infrastructural damage never happened lol
- Bjorne Fellhanded: God that was hard to watch. Cant stay focused, cant aim, back towards enemies, runs straight into point blank. Urgh
- Skyler Enola: You mean the UN and US gov has been doing in the middle east countries, such as Syria? This is exactly what happen in the real world.
- Saintheart Knights: I think i'm gonna have to disagree with that. Joysticks give you the feel bro. He's just a lousy pilot.
- Noobit: Russ has stated in the AMAs that they have a dynamic system in place to slow you down when walking through buildings but that it was turned off for the Mechcon demo. Supposedly it takes in to account the weight of your mech and whatever you're trying to walk through/step on. An example was an assault mech will have an easier time walking through something like a building or stepping on a tank compared to a light/medium mech doing the same. A reinforced building is harder to walk through than a farmhouse and etc. In addition, they've also stated that you suffer a payout penalty for causing to much collateral damage in a mission.
- Charostrasz Bloodwing: Now I think that I buy this game.
- damonos: +Pyrrha Nikos Oooooky, now I'm happy with this! ;)
- Bill Rich: This boy is bad. Who let him pilot one of these things?
- Orapac 4142: I mean, first, there isnt an auto cannon on that Thunderbolt. Second, thats what the rotary autocannons are for that havent been brought out yet.
- TFW_Isabelle_Confirmed_For_Smash: Ah, MechWarrior fans. They all think they're gaming design professionals. Weight this, AI something, tactics the other, punchy that and so on. Always hailing MechWarrior III as a masterpiece that can't be topped yet always begging for something new.
- Wes ODon: That is what they said about Community Warfare when MWO was in beta and then again when it was released.
- Kenshin Himura: The missiles are garbage in this demo. They have way too much spread and can't even track their targets at all. They need to be redesigned.
- Joshua Thompson: Looks awesome! The dude we’re watching is a BAD shot though...
- Gabriel Moore: I think the building stomping was to show off the engine.
- Slashco: Mechs are actually really light for some reason though. I remember the heaviest mechs being like 100 tons, meanwhile a modern tank weighs about 60 tons. Always wondered about that.
- Steve Dalton: LOL, this is what you get from PGI. It looks terrible.
- Gold Lick: paper buildings? xD
- Foksuh: +Holret From what I've seen, in general, if tanks are going through something, they tend to take it slowly. They push through instead of ramming into things at high speed because that way they avoid damage. And let's not compare into some townhouses made of bricks or wood. Bring on the multi-storey buildings with conrete and steel beams. You also said single point of impact? Last I checked the mechs tend to be huge and generally speaking humanoid in shape, with arms, legs and huge torsos. Sounds like a lot of surface area to me. Now, I know it's a game with futuretech and it'll be cool to be able to stomp around and even demolish buildings, sure. But let's make those buildings feel like they got some mass at least. Let them slow mechs down, maybe cause damage to light mechs moving in high speeds etc. No more paper buildings.
- Ryaken: If AI was smarter it would have used focus fire or hit and run tactics on the most vulnerable mech.
- Noble Actual: Is this from the same guys who made mech warrior for the original xbox?
- Gavin Cross: Be nice if they put in a target damage indicator.....Game looks almost unplayable without that and the ridiculous long burning lasers.....
- Eara Soulous: They were using joysticks and such. I wouldn't be using those. Use a mouse and keyboard far better if you ask me..
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MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - MechCon 2018 Demo Gameplay [HD 1080P] | |
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MechWarrior Online Explore in YouTube Gaming Gaming | Upload TimePublished on 2 Dec 2018 |
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